All I Got Was This @#&&^$!# T-Shirt????

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Final Countdown.. 3..2...1

Well, Chris is coming home tomorrow :) bout' time!!!!!! I'll be very happy to see him (and yes, I'd still like to kick your $%^!#)... He's already started his flight.. so have to get up early and get him.. YEAH!!!
Today was very hectic & I think I spent my life fortune on gas running around!!! I'm so disturbed at the gas prices! Breaking the bank! I went to work so early that when I stopped for coffee, I poured the creamer in the trash can (the little hole in the counter).. INSTEAD of my cup :) I'm dangerous if I dont get enough sleep & useless without my coffee!!
Anyhow I only got 1/3 of my job done.. then had to leave and get Morgan to the Ortho.. time to get the braces!! It didn't take very long which surprised me, as I thought I'd be there for hours.. but alas, only 1 :) She's in a little pain, but went to show her friends..she also went to bed early as her mouth is in pain.. poor baby!
Unfortunately I had to go back and finish my work :( boohhooooo.. but I took tomorrow off so I can have the day to retrieve my husband..
The kids poison ivy is getting very bad.. I'm debating taking them to the hospital..or waiting till the doc opens tomorrow???? Sydney is getting it in her eye.. yuck.. They told the neighbor kid, Lena, that they didn't have to goto school today because of their poison ivy.. Later the kids also told me that Lena asked them to take her to the poison ivy.. so she tromped through it (along with mine) in hopes to stay home too.. I'd rather goto school!!!
Madison has had a loose tooth for about a week.. today we spotted the "big" tooth coming in.. she asked me to take out her loose she wants the tooth fairy to visit, but I told her Mom does not take out teeth!!! She's upset because she'll probably miss school tomorrow & they were going to eat lunch with the first graders.. Does it ever stop being soooooooooo hard??????????hectic????????

Monday, May 29, 2006

Welcome to my Isolation Camp

Why is it that whenever you really are looking forward to going somewhere.. looking forward to getting out of the house for a little bit.. seeing adults.. SOMEONE ALWAYS GETS SICK?????? Ahhhh....
Today's plan was to goto my inlaws cookout.. then go to my family's cookout at the lake.. I was thinking how fun the day would be and Madison came down last night saying her belly hurt.. then she got sick.. so we were up 1/2 the night.. YEAH>> As if these kids haven't been sick enough this month! Almost an entire month I had a sick house.. felt like sandblasting it with bleach.. but then everyone was better.. for like a whole week! ha Not now.. she's laying on the couch eating crackers.. The poison ivy has spread everywhere. I guess we'll have to goto the docs again to get shots (or whatever they do).. to dry this stuff up.. it started out small, but its spreading all over them.. and they are miserable! They don't understand why we cannot go.. as they also were looking forward to going.. They promised they wouldn't touch anyone :) but Madison.. well, she just can't go.. (The twins told me to have Morgan babysit her while we went..ha).. but told them we would just have to have our own cookout here (cook-in as we have no grill).. They looked at me with distress in their eyes.. HERE.. in this boring house?? MOM!!! What a bummer, I know.. but what can you do!
Tomorrow Morgan has to get her braces on.. been trying to figure out how I'm going to get work done.. get her there.. and where these kids are gonna go since they need isolated! .. Oh, the fun of it all sometimes..

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Yummy Cookouts :)

Super Christo
Today is Sunday.. I finally got a phone call from Chris... (bout time buddy :) ha He is in Dehli.. getting everything ready to come home.. (Wed)
Last night we walked to Amy's (neighbor).. and we sat out (thanks to the good weather!).. while the kids played.. it was a nice time.. today she walked down and invited us to cook out.. so we just got back a little while ago.. she has 3 little ones (2 girls & a boy).. all the kids enjoyed playing. I was going to church for a while where Amy goes.. then I was invited to go with a another friend// I haven't gone to church for a while.. and would like to start going again.. I need to get back into the swing of things! We were talking about how if you allow yourself, you'll always find some excuse that "pardons" you from going.. (ex).. it's my only day off.. its impossible to get everyone there on time.. but I need to make it a priority for myself and my kids.. I miss it.. although I still pray & read my bible, I miss the message & miss my kids learning about Jesus.. So, I need to make that #1 priority !
I found a home for 2 more of my kittens.. Little Panda & Cleo will at least be together.. the lady & her kids came today to pick them up.. the twins act so crazy when "new" people come here.. more so than normal :) Christopher started fighting the little boy with his light saber.. by the time they left.. they were in an all out duel! (poor Christo needs some boys to play with!.. as my tree is taking a severe beating!!!) & Syd.. she keeps hanging on the lady asking her if she'll bring the kitty's back to visit..
The kids are covered in poison ivy.. does anyone know a good way to kill it is along my fence.. they got it soo bad last year & that area was forbiden.. but of course, they went in the other now its started to spread all over them again.. yuck! Morgan & her friends went to the pool today.. they got burnt.. brats! Now she'll be tanner than her Mother! I always loved the 1st day of swimming! We washed the car today.. real fun as the hose is broke.. but we just used buckets & buckets of water.. the girls just finished washing their bikes.. almost time for B.E.D. WHHOOOHOOOOO!!!! Mom needs a break!!!!!
Planning on going to a cookout tomorrow.. I absolutely love them! Yummy Yummy Food!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Husband MIA

Well, it has been a couple days since I've heard from Chris.. last conversation was about him (excited).. about being in a Bollywood movie.. he'd give me a call or email.. but nuthin!!!!! No emails, no phone calls, no nothing..He's MIA!!!!! (oh, he's in trouble!!) My lovely mind..keeps having flashes of exotic lusting harem girls...and I try to focus on .... hmmmmmm... uhhh... well......
He'd better call me tomorrow...aahhhrrrrr.. :)

Anyhow, the rest of the day ran pretty smooth.. nothing much new happened today..went to work.. came home.. kids played outside..ordered pizza (only 4$)!! What a deal!!! The delivery guys are probably taking a beating with gas prices being out the roof!
My friend Shavella asked me to goto her high school reunion with her tomorrow night.. I had plans to go.. but now not sure if I can make it or not.. I think it'd be funny to go and pretend that you had gone to school there for your whole life.... make everyone think their memories are shot :) haa.. no, I wouldn't do that.. just think it'd be funny!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Madison got her soccer pics back and I tried to take a webcam pic of a pic.. it's the best I can do.. as Chris has MY camera in India! He called late last night to let me know that he is going to be in a Bollywood Movie.... ~~ So, that should be interesting! I'll let you know what its called as soon as I know..
Everyone slept in this morning as noone set the alarm!!! aaahhhhhh ..we got up at 8:30.. thats always fun.. running around like your hair is on fire when your 1/2 sleeping and have to get 5 people ready and out the door.. almost too much to deal with.. Thank God for coffee!!!!!
Just got home from work.. I'm so happy the weather was nice today.. the kids (with the exception of Christo, who wants to play "Greem Starwars" want to go outside and play, so gonna cut this short and go have some fun!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Wild & Crazy Wed...hahhaaahaa

Granny & Her boyfriend :)

When I seen this pic it reminded me of my grammy & her new boyfriend, Gene...(with the exception that she has pink hair :) Those two are the "party animals"... Funnier than hell.. Love you gramma..
Aside from taking Sydney to the doc today for her checkup.. not much going on.. I mowed the yard which was beginning to look like a hay field.. I ran over a damned tree root and broke my mower, so have to borrow Eric's.. until I get mine fixed.. so my yard was getting a little wild! I found a dandelion that was almost as tall as Sydney.. World record!! Ha The neighbors have probably been cussing me out! Sorry
Madison went to soccer practice today with Ryan.. and she got her pictures.. I'll have to post one, if this webcam can get a good shot of it.. Me/twins went down to Jenny's ..and the kids got to play w/ Jalen & Jaren)
Morgan toured the high school today.. all she talked about was the boys
( :( boo hooo hoooo .. and the nachos/slush for lunch.. To much education for one day I guess ;) I guess thats what you talk about in 8th grade though.. so.. boo hoo
I ran to the gas station tonight to get some pop & smokes.. I ran into Andy, Chris' cousin.. we talked for a little while.. he said that mabey him & his mom can stop over tomorrow.. it will be nice to see them.. I hope they can come over! I need to stop in and see them more often.. just always fear that the kids will be to .. umm WILD!!!!!! Andy said he usually goes fishing on Sunday & the kids have been asking to go.. I wish we had some fishing poles, as it would be alot of fun!! I imagine they'll be interested as long as the fish are biting :)
Gives me a flashback to when my family went on fishing trip w/ Granny & Grampa.. to Michigan.. my bro, Michael & I are fishing in the boat.. he casts.. and rips the damned hook right into my shoulder! I almost pushed him in!.. oh, Michigan was so fun.. Granny is afraid of water, but Grampa talked her into going out for a ride w/ us.. we are speeding across the water.. (gramp had a ranger boat with 150 motor.. all glittery.. so pretty).. anyhow, the oar comes flying up and smacks Gram right in the head.. I don't think she got in that boat ever again!!!

Kindergarden.. here they come :)

Morgan & Cali

I just got off the phone with Chris.. I was getting ready for work and hear his voice.. wth?? The phone didn't ring, but he was on answering machine.. I scramble to find the phone as he was getting ready to hang up I click on.. caught him just in time!! My ringer was off!! He sounded good.. said he's waiting for bus to goto Mumbai.. then going to Dehli and coming home.. 31st..
Well, I took Christopher to the doc yesterday.. the daycare thought he had strep because he had a rash on his face.. When the doc heard that.. she said "no, thats not a sign of strep"... he has allergies, as he also has "shiners".. his face is dry and he is always licking his lips.. so she told me he has (this name is soo funny) ..
Lip Licking Dermatitis.. so I get to tell the preschool today :) They gave him zyrtec, which makes you drowsy.. I told him he would have to take it before he goes to bed, as it makes you sleepy... so last night when I'm getting it ready he asks me "mom, why do you want to make me tired"... (Oh son, if you only knew..hehe)..I told him I want to make you better.. & the medicine only works when your sleeping :)
So, I found a home for 1 kitten.. I was sooo sad when he left .. Little Sunshine.. beautiful yellow tiger long hair.. gorgeous blue eyes.. I have been debating on which one I want (sorry Chris).. oopsie.. anyhow.. I chose Little Champ.. who is a tan tiger long hair.. he is absolutely gorgeous.. huge...Sydney was so sad thats the one she chose.. she told me Champ and Sunshine were twins like her and Christopher and that I had to keep both of them.. she totally gave me the guilt trip..making it even harder! Now, I only have 4 more to find homes for.. a lady emailed me last night about keeping fingers crossed!! The kids & I named them all.. Sunshine, Champ, Cali, Cleo-patra, Gangsta, & Panda..
Today, I have to take Sydney to the doc.. kindergarden checkup.. I cannot imagine they are going to school!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!! I haven't been this excited for ..well.... like years!!!!!!!! WWWOOOHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO :) (Sorry, I'm just really looking forward to it!!!)Right now if they were in school, I'd be home for like 1 hour by myself.. no children.. I could take a bath before I went to work and not be interupted 199 times!!!! Imagine all the possibilities :) A quiet breakfast.. coffee w/ Chris.. just FREE for an hour!! EVERYDAY... Ok.. I'm done.. Finally, they can go somewhere for free! WIPPEEE

Monday, May 22, 2006

~~AWWWW ~~

My bro, Michael & Kate

I got an email from my brother's wife, Kate.. & she sent me some wedding pics.. I wish I could have made it to my bro's wedding!!! I miss him!! Congrats to both of you!!

This weekend was pretty laid back and lazy.. just stayed around here and did some yard work!! The kids played with some neighbor kids.. Madison went to Haley's birthday party Saturday.. she had alot of fun.. they had SO many kids, they made us sign in when we got there.. (phone #, address.. etc)..I've never seen that before, but guess its probably a good plan. I need to get on the ball about birthday parties!
Morgan has been working on a project about the Holocaust for several weeks now.. she turned it in and told me this weekend that she got an A+ ... WHOOOHOOO Morgan!!! I'm proud of you kiddo!
This morning it was hard to get moving.. Christopher had a bloody nose.. throw him in the tub and clean up.. didn't get to work until almost 11 ~ thank goodness my work expects me to always be late!! (and they accept my wonderful quality!!).. ha Today when I got in from my route, there was a message to call the daycare.. GREAT! So, I call.. Christopher has a rash around his face.. they say its the sign of strep.. which is going around.. lovely.. So made him a doctor appointment.. Enough already!!
A little over a week till Chris gets home.. I haven't got to talk to him for a while.. or at least it seems like it.. he did email and posted on his blog.. I like hearing his voice though!
Well, have got to help Maddy w/ homework and get supper started before the kids start eating the furniture :)

Friday, May 19, 2006

Friday already !!

Well, this morning Morgan woke me up when she was getting ready to leave.. @@ (where's the coffee!!!)... She was all dressed up IN A DRESS!! .. "Mom, straighten your hair and wear something nice.. and put on makeup!!"... uh ok... Today at school the home-ec. class invited their parents to brunch.. Wow.. gotta get moving!!! Have to bust butt at work today to get there on time.. gotta get the kids to school NOW!!!!
But I was there 20 minutes early..ME.. twenty minutes EARLY!!!! It's amazing it hasn't snowed! :)
I was heading out the door and the phone rang.. it was Chris.. he was heading for the National Park, so I imagine he got to see some elephants, tigers.. etc (Lions, tigers, and Bears..oh my!) We only got to talk for a minute.. long enough for I love you's.. I miss you's... I liked it much better when he was staying at the last place as we could talk on the computer for more extended times.. but it was still nice to hear from him.
Ok, so I take the kids to school.. get to work.. hurry up! Change/ get ready at work.. make it to school.. She was so excited to see me.. I surprised her! The kids seated us.. got our drinks.. served us food.. Talked to us even :) It was very nice and the food was good..
After that, I picked up the kids and went home.. they were in a mood today.. We have just been goofing off around here.. I called to see if Jalen & Jaren wanted to spend the night, so all the kids are in the living room watching Paulie.. hopefully they'll start nodding off soon!! as I am starting to get tired myself :) Gotta play spider solitare 50 more times first though!! I'm addicted to that game!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Busy Busy..

Ok, today is Thur.. Poor Morgan had to get 3 teeth pulled at the Ortho today.. she just gets done being sick.. and Guess What.. your appointment is today.. poor baby!! She hasn't complained too much yet.. so hopefully thats a good sign :) Today she brought home her school letters she received from track.. she was excited and wants the jacket now :) Great job Miss Morgan!
Yesterday I was able to go "home".. I was able to see my daddy!!! I miss him alot, so it was nice to just talk to him.. he had my nephew, Russell.. (the 1st time I had ever seen him) .. the kids played with him and had alot of fun.. (he's 4).. I also got to go have lunch with my best friend, Ruth.. it was nice to have a little break from the kids and to hang out with her as it has been almost a year since I've seen her! The kids loved seeing her...they are always wanting to see "Goofy Roofie" ... ha.(granny named her that long ago)..
Busy schedules, crappy cars and high gas prices... but it's been way to long since I've seen my family and friends..I miss the small town and being able to just drop by to see everyone..
We also went and visited grama of course.. Granny.. she's soooo fun! She gave us our Christmas presents.. as last time I went down, she had lost them.. Morgan got some Mardi Beads (don't want to know how Gram got those :)HA ..Star Wars watches for everyone.. and I got a beautiful suede jacket.. Thanks Gram!!! Christopher has claimed everyone of the watches!! (wait till his dad gets home..ha) The visit was great.. but so so short! I miss being around.. hate having to rush.. The kids enjoyed their "picnic" that gram always has.. cheese twisties... and pop of course :)

Monday, May 15, 2006

Sickness GO Away!!! Shoo!! Sike!! No Wait..

OK enough is enough!! I send the girls to school this morning.. get the twins ready for preschool... write Chris an email.. as I missed talking to him last night :( Go to work.. Finally I can get out of this house and get a little break from the kids :) WRONG!!!!!! Madison's school calls to come pick her up.. stomach hurts.. damn.. She seemed perfectly fine this morning.. Leave work..have to request a day of sick leave.. cover my route, etc..go get her... In the car she says.. "Mom, before we get the twins can we get Taco Bell, I'm starving".. So my "sick" kid ended up just being my "hungry" kid... (thank goodness)...
The rain is relentless and the kids are going crazy from being cooped up.. They are "born".. their term for bored.. HA Madison just asked if she could go to Chloe's house to play.. I told her just came home "sick".. She says, I tricked so you could get off work.. then when she seen my face.. she said "I'm just teasing you mom, my belly really did hurt"... AHHH
I have to get Morgan to her choir concert tonight.. My energy level is running low..... I think I can I think I can...Ok Better now :)
UPDATE On Sickness: Well, Madison ate & actually is complaining yet again about her stomach.. so guess it was legit and she's off the hook :) Anyhow, tomorrow WILL be better!!!!!!!!!! I demand it!!!!!!!!! :) ha

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mom's Day Present :)

Well, I have not been able to post for a couple days, as 3 of the kids were sick.. Morgan had broncitis YUCK.. Christopher and Madison got the flu.. and each missed a couple days of school. Madison misses practice and her game today, as I didn't want to take her around everyone.. just incase :(
I feel like I have cabin fever (as I'm sure they do too).. as we have just been hanging out here.. getting on each others nerves :) Tomorrow is mother's day.. The twins made me beautiful pics at school.. very pretty..Morgan & Madison painted me some pics (althought I don't think I was supposed to see them yet :)
I hope the weather is decent out tomorrow, as I would like to do something outdoors! I got to talk to Chris yesterday for a little bit.. he sounds good.. missing him :(
Well, I must go.. try to find something good for dinner.. YIPPEEEEEE
UPDATE: Mother's Day was nice.. Morgan kept the kids out of my room and I got to sleep until almost 10:30.. WOW Then she brought me breakfast in bed :) WOW (Eggs, bacon, toast).. WOW.. she later made dinner.. set the table.. served everyone.. Thank you Morgan!!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

LORD HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Morgan all beautiful for her 8th grade formal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Me.. the "Soccer Mom".. YOU BET :)

Today I took off from work!!!!!!!!!! That in itself is awesome, but had a great day all around. This morning Madison had a soccer game.. her team won 7-2 WOOHOO!!! HA Anyhow, she has been pretty hesitant about getting in there and kicking the ball (not wanting to get hurt.. can you blame the kid!).. I told her that the other kids are probably thinking the same thing and to just keep charging.. they'll either back off or you'll fall down.. no big deal, right.. Easy for me to say :) Anyhow, she just kept talking herself out of it.. "I am not any good.. I'll never get it...etc".. I told her everytime she kicks that ball.. no matter if she scores or not, that she keeps it from the other team.. and helps her team win and she will be having fun with her friends.. She told me that made her happy.. So she went out there today with a good attitude.. kicked the ball ALOT!!! So good for you Miss Madison!!!! Great Job!!!!
Christopher was invited to a birthday party for John Paul, a boy in his preschool class. I asked him what we should get him for his present.. Christopher says, "well, I want a power-ranger and I'll sell him my voltron"...HAAAA So, had to clue him in on how "giving" works :) The party was a Stow/Kent lanes.. and he had a blast. All his little buddies from school were there.. When I walked in he was dancing and throwing the bowling ball (like he was playing baseball!!).. fun fun!
While he was at the party I took the girls to get ice-cream.. and took them to the park.. Madison went across the monkey bars by herself and was a happy camper! Sydney enjoyed herself as well, and monopolized the sliding board..
Morgan had a great time at her dance last night.. afterwards, she went camping with Brittany (her birthday).. they had 5 girls go out.. Tonight Niquell is spending the night.
I got to talk to Chris last night and it was great to hear from him..only 25 more days...Today was a great day.. no work.. all play :) .. how fun!!!! I wish I could do it more often !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

What day is it anyhow????

OH.. Listen... PEACE & QUIET !!! :) Morgan & Madison just got off to school and the twins are still sleeping... a slice of Heaven. We've gotta get ready to go, but first I'll post here, drink a cup of coffee & enjoy this quietness...
Yesterday (Thur).. was interesting.. I don't know where my mind was.. I started talking to the neighbor, Lauren... the kids were playing & we completely missed Madison's soccer practice.. AAHHH.. She's very interesting.. her & hubby are raising a little girl they adopted from China.. Evy. They also have another adopted daughter that has 2 children now, so Evy is an Aunt and only a year older than her niece.. funny. She was talking about her trip over to get her.. how many little girls are in orphanages there.. how they don't know her real birthday because she was abandoned.. So So Sad!!! I was so engrossed in the conversation that the time kept ticking away & we missed Maddy's practice...
The kittens are getting bigger now, they have started walking around the room and playing.. they are sooooo cute! Of course, Madison takes them to the bus stop in the morning.. she likes showing off the new kitty's... besides.. mabey one of the other kids will talk their parents into providing a new home for it :)
Morgan's formal dance is tonight.. she is so excited.. Thursday she was all prepared and thought it was Friday.. she was a day ahead of herself.. I'll post a pic after I take some.. She is going with a big group of girls.. they are all coming here for pics so that will be a time for me to cry!!!!! OOHHH, she's growing up! Damn it!!
Well, thats all for now.. must get the sleepy heads up to get ready to go..

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

................................Just another manic Monday...

OK.. So, I've been trying NOT to look at ANY news; to many exlposions, train wrecks.. massacres.. I decided not to even look at the news while he's gone this time..until Jenny called worried about something on CNN from India.. and I had to peek.. It's ok.. He's not there.. phew...
The Last time he was there.. the news just paralyzed my mind.. made me freak out~~~~ I'd be puffing away .. pacing the floors.. waiting for his after day.. And then I'd talk to him and he'd tell me how awesome his day had been; riding a camel in the moonlight! So NOT gonna do it this time.
Gotta stay focused .. enjoy the time he's away.. not worry about it.. stay positive..KEEP ON KEEPING ON..............................

It isn't very difficult to see why..You are the way you are..Doesn't take a genius to realise..That sometimes life is hard..It's gonna take time..But you'll just have to wait..You're gonna be fine..But in the meantime.. Come over here lady...Let me wipe your tears away..Come a little nearer baby..Coz you'll heal over..Heal over.. Heal over someday...And I don't wanna hear you tell yourself..That these feelings are in the past..You know it doesn't mean they're off the shelf..Because pain's built to last..Everybody sails alone..But we can travel side by side..Even if you fail..You know that no one really minds...Come over here lady..Don't hold on but don't let go..I know it's so hard..You've got to try to trust yourself..I know it's so hard, so hard..Come over here lady..Let me wipe your tears away..Come a little nearer baby...Coz you'll heal over, heal over, heal over someday
..............................................KT Tunstall.....